“So how is your book, dear Elena?”
If there is one thing I’ve grown used to as a published author, it is this: People ask the wellbeing of your book over your own. For several months already, “The Creative Traveler’s Handbook” has created quite some buzz online, finally becoming available on Amazon.com as well as from joining any one of my book reading & networking events. “Keep doing them”, I hear people say, “we love a personally signed copy of your book! The only thing that’s hard is tracking you down on your many trips and journeys … Say again, where will you be next?!” I smile, patiently answering all questions with the enthusiasm of a child at Christmas.
And so, let me take my enthusiasm and introduce you to a new series of posts on this travel blog of mine: #StoriesOfMyReaders, as they are called. YOUR stories. In relation to “The Creative Traveler’s Handbook”.
Interestingly enough, the first post in this series isn’t so much about travelling, in that I’ve celebrated my first-ever, official reading party about “The Creative Traveler’s Handbook” back in my Austrian home town Krems. I am grateful and happy for the continued support of the Volkshochschule Krems as well as the local city library there, host to my video & photo presentation around the world. Check out my video here.
Especially, as the team of the local adult education institute as well as the city library of Krems are really, really supportive in the entire lead-up to the event! The latter, too, is the first library to have acquired an official copy of my book, and I hope it will be many more in the future!

… has to gather from celebrating local events at the famous Heurigen wine taverns: Cheers to spreading the magic of “The Creative Traveler’s Handbook” publication!
Check out my Facebook & Social Media pages for an updated calendar of further book readings, activities & events. There’s more to inspire you though: My creative travel video. A must see for those concerned about “life-seeing instead of sightseeing”, as “The Creative Traveler’s Handbook” furthermore shows.
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