Hiking the World-Famous W-Trek in Torres del Paine

Ok. I will not say I am the most knowledgeable, passionate or enduring hiker. But this trek made me smile. Right through. Blisters, trembling knees, screaming toes, stinging sunshine & tears with laughter: We’ve had it all. Read on if you want to find out how you, too, could enjoy the hike of a lifetime. In amazing, beautiful Torres del Paine National Park. With the most amazing friends: World Travelers Anne-Laure & Julien, complete with “Pins And Needles” in their legs 😀

Unterwegs auf dem W-Trek mit meinen Reisefreunden aus Frankreich.

Hiking the W-Trek with my like-minded travel buddies from France, Julien & Anne-Laure!


The Arrival: EcoCamp Patagonia

For anyone with a budget and an appetite for a once-in-a-lifetime, “glamping” (glamorous camping) experience, I shall definitely recommend EcoCamp Patagonia. Their strong environmental mission sets them apart from all other accommodation in rural Chile, and their staff is ever so kind making sure we feel absolutely comfortable. Camping huts such as the luxurious, top-notch suite dome we are invited to stay in are unlike anything I have ever experienced before. A must-do for avid luxury travellers in Torres del Paine!

Hier schläft es sich besonders gut: Auftakt unserer Wanderung im Nationalpark Torres del Paine inmitten des luxuriösen EcoCamp Patagonia.

We sleep so well here: A luxurious welcome to our trek at EcoCamp Patagonia.


Ein Hoch auf unsere Reise: Mit Erdbeer-Pisco Sour genießt es sich einfach besser ;)

Toasting to our hiking trip: Pisco Sour definitely makes for great vibes prior to starting 😉


Das EcoCamp Patagonia empfängt und verwöhnt uns mit spannenden und stilvollen Details, wie diesem wunderbar gedeckten Tisch inmitten des Essenszeltes.

EcoCamp Patagonia welcomes and treats us with lovely food and attention, such as this beautifully set table in their large dinner tent.


Los geht's: Gut gestärkt können wir es kaum erwarten, unsere dreitägige Wanderung zu beginnen!

We are all so thrilled about staying here and starting our hike together, it is like having “the time of our lives”!


Day 1: Hiking into Las Torres del Paine Mountains

It pays to get up for sunrise. Seriously. I know it might seem hard, but let’s put it this way: When was the last time your goal for the day beckoned you so nicely … ? On our way up the mountain, we are blessed with ever-improving weather conditions: Both spirits and clouds are lifting!

Tip of the day: Leave your luggage (trekking pack / camping gear) at Campamento Chileno and climb the world-famous Torres del Paine with just a bottle of water, some snacks & a great camera to celebrate. An experience you will never forget!!!

Dieser Sonnenaufgang ist es wert: Sieben Uhr morgens im Nationalpark Torres del Paine.

This sunrise is just worth it: Getting up just before seven in the morning at Torres del Paine.


Der Weg nach oben: Über 700 Meter Anstieg erwarten uns am ersten Tag dieser traumhaften Nationalparkwanderung. Auf geht's!

Up, up and away: More than 700 metres of altitude separate us from our goal of the day, the famous “Base de Las Torres”! We are starting in good spirits.


"Oben" angekommen, bietet sich uns dieser spektakuläre Blick auf den Gletschersee und die Spitzen der "Torres del Paine" - ein unglaublich mächtiger und wunderschöner Ort.

Reaching the top after many hours of climbing is an amazingly beautiful experience, both for the heart, body and the soul: This place is pure magic. Arrival at the pinnacles of Las Torres del Paine, yay!


Dieser Alpenfuchs, genannt "Zorro", ist neugierig und grüßt uns wie zur Belohnung unseres ersten Tagesmarsches zu den Torres del Paine.

This alpine fox, called “zorro” in Spanish, is curious enough to come out and greet us at the top … almost as if treating us after our hiking efforts 🙂


Day 2: From Campamento Chileno to Refugio Los Cuernos

For this day, I will start straight with the tip of the day: Be wary of other people’s tips! This might sound contradictory, but remember: Enjoying this trek pretty much depends on your individual physical ability and preparation, regardless of what other (fitter / faster / more experienced) hikers may say. So go prepared: Scarfs for intense sun or cold wind & rain, flip flops to wear in the evening (remember those “screaming toes”!), iPhone that doubles as a mirror & alarm, a charger for your camera. Oh and the chocolate. Oh, and the money to buy extra wine from the huts …  or else 😉

On this second day, we gradually move downhill from Las Torres to amazing Los Cuernos Mountains, managing sticks and stones, shaping our legs, sharing stories, watching wildlife, eating heaps, smelling er going strong, and sleeping early. It’s a hiker’s life !

So macht Trekking Spaß: Reisefoto von unterwegs mit improvisiertem Sonnenschutz & Wanderstock!

Trekking can be so much fun, even when improvising (like me) with sunscreen & natural hiking sticks!


Diese faszinierende Berglandschaft der berühmten Torres del Paine zieht uns einfach immer wieder in ihren Bann ... Hier ein Blick auf die berühmten Los Cuernos, an deren Fuße wir campen.

The fascinating mountain landscape of Las Torres del Paine is constantly keeping us in awe, especially when enjoying it in such good weather conditions! Here, we camp at the foot of these famous Los Cuernos mountains.


Immer wieder bieten sich uns weiters spektakuläre Aussichten auf die heimische Tierwelt, darunter diese heiter im Gras pickenden Vögel.

Again and again, we are able to observe magnificent wildlife, both fauna & flora such as these native birds happily picking away in front of us.


Für die ersten beiden Nächten habe ich "una carpa armada", also ein fix und fertig aufgebautes Zelt samt Schlafsack im Nationalpark gebucht ... Für die Nachtruhe ist es zwar etwas hart, dafür günstig und man ist inmitten der anderen Camper "mitten im Geschehen"! Que bueno!

During the first two nights in the park, I have booked a “carpa armada” (organized tent) complete with sleeping bag and already set up … It pays to afford this since it means less carrying and still having the fun of a true camper’s experience. Nice!


Den (fast schon) obligatorischen Wein zum Abschluss nicht vergessen ... auch mitten in der Natur darf gefeiert werden!

Finally, don’t forget to spare some money for buying a “bottle” of wine … Also (or especially) out in the nature, you are allowed to treat yourself!


Day 3: Valle Francés & Paine Grande

For those of you who may have wondered so far: The “W-Trek” actually is shaped like a W, yes! On our third day hiking, we make it to the “centre of the W”, or into the French Valley – spot on for my friends from “La Grande Nation”! We are just about in time to appreciate the giant French Valley Glacier before the mist descends and rain chases us towards our last hut at Paine Grande. With the weather turning, we are even more appreciative of just how lucky we were on the whole trek so far. Wow !

As our last tip of the day, we recommend sharing your experience of hiking in Patagonia with friends, either long-term or more recent, like-minded travellers from the road. It is just so much more amazing walking “the Camino” together – and yes, those “caminos” are everywhere, not only in Spain. Nature wields its own power and spirituality, and much of this can be felt here in Torres del Paine. Be sure to check it out !

Unterwegs mit Freunden entlang des berühmten "W" im Torres del Paine Nationalpark.

Trekking along the “W” in famous Torres del Paine national park.


Gerade noch rechtzeitig bestaunen wir am dritten und letzten Tag unserer Wanderung den mächtigen Gletscher des Valle Frances.

Lucky enough to reach the Valle Frances glacier before the clouds are closing in on us on the third day of our hike.


Im Porträt: Meine liebe Freundin Anne-Laure, die ich seit vielen Jahren kenne und aufgrund deren Weltreise wir beschlossen haben, uns hier an dieser spektakulären Route zu treffen. Eine gute Idee ... !

Introducing … Anne-Laure, my wonderful travel friend from France whose round the world trip prompted our meeting here in spectacular Torres del Paine national park … Sooo good!


Ihr Freund Julien, der sie seit einigen Monaten durch Neuseeland, Australien und Südamerika begleitet, ist erfahrener Vogelbeobachter und begeisterter Fotograf: Seine "Swarovski-Augen" verhelfen uns zu tollen Vogelbeobachtungen in freier Natur!

Her boyfriend Julien, who has joined her for the last few months travelling through Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and South America, is a passionate photographer and ornithologist, helping out with his “Swarovski-eyes” to see and spot amazing wildlife.

For any more tips on hiking & trekking in Torres del Paine, please feel free to leave me a message here! My friends and I will be very glad to help 😀

Wir hoffen, unsere Eindrücke haben Euch gefallen! Wandern kann so schön sein ... allen Entbehrungen der "modernen Zivilisation" zum Trotz - oder vielleicht genau deswegen ;)

We hope you enjoyed our impressions of hiking in Torres del Paine … Saludos! 😉

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