My World Heritage Trip in Germany: “History Full Of Life”

It is loud, it is late, it is an evening full of new faces deep down in the bar area of the popular Wombat’s Youth Hostel at the Vienna Naschmarkt. My colleague & Tripwolf Lea Hajner has called for a second international “Travel Massive” in the city of Vienna: Here I am faced with countless members of PR, travel industry & media reaching out for my drink, which I almost spill upon hearing the following: “You have written your thesis about World Heritage & cultural tourism? We are running a culture campaign on World Heritage Sites in Germany in the year 2014: Perhaps we could send you on a World Heritage Trip through Germany?”

Well, yes. Really!? WOW! 😀

Charming and determined Ulrike Frauscher, who works for the German National Tourist Board, is already one step ahead and eager into planning: Of course we can! Now here, over half a year later, I get really edgy to go: What an opportunity to look at seven World Heritage Sites in Germany not only from a travel research point of view but also from a World Heritage tourism development point of view (which since my tourism studies is a focus I carry with me). Follow me through the category as well as using the keyword tag “UNESCO World Heritage“.

Deutschland hat als Reiseland viel zu bieten. Neben Kulturveranstaltungen, tollen Städtetrips & sensationellen Weinlandschaften wie dem Oberen Mittelrheintal konzentriere ich mich bei dieser Reise vor allem auf die Faszination ganz besonderer UNESCO Welterbestätten.

Germany has a lot to offer as a travel destination. Besides great cities, cultural events & beautiful river wine landscapes, my trip this time will be focused on the magic of truly special World Heritage Sites.


Dank des neuen iPhone 5 und meiner internationalen SIM-Karte werde ich Euch laufend von unterwegs berichten können: Folgt mir gerne bei Instagram, Facebook & Twitter!

Thanks to my new iPhone 5 as well as an international SIM card, I shall be able to update you live from my trip through Instagram, Facebook & Twitter! Let’s see whether the new YouthHotSpot APP does really get me all these free open WiFi hotspots in the country … ? 🙂


Welterbe in Deutschland: Insgesamt 38 Stätten finden in dieser informativen und detailreichen Broschüre Platz. Damit hat Deutschland einen der höchsten Anteil an Welterbestätten im internationalen Vergleich!

World Heritage in Germany: Altogether, there are 38 different sites all around the country. This earns Germany one of the highest ratios of World Heritage Sites per country in the world!


World Heritage in Germany: Fascinating Travel Destinations

My six day World Heritage Trip through Germany starts on the morning of 17 July, 2013 with … a view out the window, breakfast & legs held up high. Thanks to my German Railway Pass

, I get to lean back and relax having chosen a plan to travel Germany as much as I wish during one month. What a great option and one that perfectly suits me on this trip!

World Heritage is something that has always fascinated me. Not only because it means exploring truly outstanding destination targets, such as the famous historic “Wurstkuchl” in the city of Regensburg or later on the mighty Dome of Cologne: My questions are always with the intelligent use of precious resources, the “heritage of humankind” as it is. How do you sustain successful product development & communication strategies in the light of authenticity, (free) accessibility, sustainable measures in terms of social, economic and ecological development while manage cultural interpretation in a globalised travel world? These and other questions have already been met with a lot of interest during the time of my studies, researching for my international master thesis about World Heritage in the Abbey of Mont Saint Michel and Melk: You are very welcome to have a look at my work here.

Man do I look forward to this trip !!!

Deutschland ist groß. Los geht es für mich in der Stadt Regensburg, von dort nach Aschaffenburg, Trier, Loreley - Oberes Mittelrheintal, Köln & Essen.

Germany is a big country. I start my World Heritage Trip in the city of Regensburg, moving on to Aschaffenburg, Trier, Loreley – Upper Mittelrheintal, Cologne & Essen.


Das Ticket der Deutschen Bahn, der "Deutschland-Pass" welcher genau ein Monat lang im gesamten Land gültig ist, erleichtert mir die An- und Weiterreise enorm und lässt mich das Land in aller Ruhe & Gemütlichkeit bereisen.

The ticket issued by the German national railways system, the “German Railway Pass”, allows me to explore as much as I like during one month of validity. A great option to travel in style – and relaxed.


Ich freu' mich auf die Reise !!! Deutschland, here we come :D

So happy to go on this unique and very special trip !!! Germany, here we go 😀

Disclaimer: I am invited by the German National Tourist Board to go on this trip visiting selected World Heritage Sites in Germany. All opinions are my own.

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