Since the beginning of this year, I have been writing for a digital magazine called “Urlaub am Winzerhof” (Austrian Wine Farm Holidays). Their website tells you more about different overnight stays on winegrowing estates in Lower Austria, Burgenland or Styria. In addition, some of their short stories are authored by me, telling you more about typical cultural wine stories, such as the “Heurigen” or wine spring festivals.
Check out all my articles here (only in German right now):
- “Weinfrühling in Niederösterreich“
- “Kellergassen – Dörfer ohne Rauchfang“
- “Heurigenkultur – Ausg’steckt is!“
- “Weinherbst“
- “Kellerkatze & weitere, mythologische Wein-Wesen”
However, all above stories will be translated and published in English on the same website soon, so stay tuned!
It is important to provide more wine-related travel information, as our foreign friends often find it difficult to understand the culture of wine here in Austria. I only think of a situation we have experienced with our Australian friends, passing the typical cellar lane between Hadersdorf and Gedersdorf near Krems in Lower Austria: “Elena, who lives here? Is this where the poor people live?”
True story. Lacking any cultural information about the cultural history of press houses, or the very cellar lane by the roadside, our lovely Australian friend thought that the colourful little houses she saw were the houses of poorer people. We laughed, explained what they saw and pointed to a particularly beautifully restored press house in the Kellergasse: “On the contrary, Carol, this is where the wine lives! And what a wine at that …!”