Autumn: The colourful majesty of the World Heritage Wachau landscape

I could not take my hands off … the camera. Magic, pure magic was what I saw last weekend hiking across the wine-terraced hills of my home city Krems in the Danube river valley, situated at the gateway to the Wachau World Heritage landscape. Of course, I am always reminded by my lovely wine-growing friends that we are actually, “originally, from the Kamptal wine growing district (not the Wachau)!” However, my pride is now stretching “far across the borders” and from the Lower Austrian Kamptal into the neighbouring Krems and its magic wine-terraced Wachau hills. (It’s all a bit of a joke, really 😉 ). Krems is what I call home now for more than three years, yet still feeling like a first-time visitor during this magic autumn walk. Being the creative traveller I am, these colours simply touch the soul. And inspire. To Paint, photograph or just to relax and enjoy.



“Best Of” Autumn Colours: Ten Favourite Shots from Home

I took a long time after coming home from my three hours walk. It took me a while to settle down from my emotions and select 35 photographs for my Flickr Photo gallery from more than 100 snapshots, only to choose my top ten for the purpose of this article here. Enjoy the result. I look forward to your feedback!

Lieblingsbild Nr. 1: Die malerische Herbstlandschaft meiner Heimatstadt Krems an der Donau. Mir fallen keine poetischeren Worte ein, als dieses Bild bereits ausdrückt. Einfach wunderschön ..

Favourite Photograph Nr. 1: View over the city of Krems at the Danube river wrapped up in autumn magic … There are no words to describe its poetry .. Just magic.


Lieblingsbild Nr. 2: Im Herbst ist es mitunter ganz entspannt Wandern gehen. Die Tage sind noch warm, die Trauben hängen reif von den Weinstöcken ... da ist's Zeit für eine kurze Pause!

Favourite Photograph Nr. 2: Autumn is a happy season. Days can still be warm, the grapes are sweet and ripe tempting us to stop and relax ..


Lieblingsbild Nr. 3: Ganz schön kräftig prangen diese leuchtenden Rottöne eines Weingartenstrauchs am Wegesrand.

Favourite Photograph Nr. 3: I love the reds of this little bush right beside the vineyards. Quite intense, don’t you think?


Lieblingsbild Nr. 4: Zart küsst die Sonne die noch grünen Gräser wie das sich bereits gelb verfärbte Laub ...

Favourite Photograph Nr. 4: Sunkissed yellow-coloured vineyards and lush green grass by the wayside ..


Lieblingsbild Nr. 5: An den sauber gearbeiteten Steinterrassen sieht man die jahrhundertealte Tradition des Weinbaus hier in der Region.

Favourite Photograph Nr. 5: Looking at the pretty stone terraces, you are looking back at many centuries of viticulture tradition in this area.


Lieblingsbild Nr. 6: Beim Blick über die Weinberge wird die Sicht auf die Stadt Krems an der Donau erst richtig schön.

Favourite Photograph Nr. 6: It is only when you start climbing the hill that the view over the wine city Krems really reveals itself.


Lieblingsbild Nr. 7: Sonnentanz & Blätterreigen im Weingarten.

Favourite Photograph Nr. 7: Leaves dancing in the sunlight of the setting sun.


Lieblingsbild Nr. 8: Angesichts der Schönheit der umgebenden Landschaft wie vom Blitz getroffen dastehen!

Favourite Photograph Nr. 8: Standing like thunderstruck by the beauty of the surrounding landscape.


Lieblingsbild Nr. 9: Blick auf die untergehende Sonne durch den Weingarten mitsamt seinen charakteristischen Bewässerungsschläuchen.

Favourite Photograph Nr. 1: View of the setting sun through the vineyard leaves and their characteristic irrigation lines.


Lieblingsbild Nr. 10: Blick auf die Sanftheit und Anmut des ruhenden Donautals in Krems an der Donau. Schön ist es, hier zu leben!

Favourite Photograph Nr. 10: View over the Danube river and the city of Stein right next to Krems .. I feel happy to live here. Really!

Thank you so much, Monika Fuchs of TravelWorldOnline for the invitation to join the blog parade about the “autumn”. The parade runs until October 31, 2013. Check out how you can join here.

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