#PolaWalk #InVienna – Taking my Polaroid camera round town!

Have you ever experienced Vienna through the lens of a polaroid camera? I haven’t! “Really, you like Polaroids?!”, I can hear my mum smiling at what must be a distant photographic memory to her, but an entirely “new and exciting” technique for us! Here we are in the year 2015, rediscovering an ancient style of photography in a new light, so to speak. Quickly, I learn how to protect my polaroids from too much sunlight or heat while creating a small “darkroom” on the go – in our guide Thomas’ cool bag … ! Passers-by shoot us funny looks, but I think they are just jealous. After all, we are here on a really cool polaroid walking tour through the heart of Vienna … !


At times where we are inundated with digital imagery from both smart phones and cameras, vintage-type photography such as polaroids appears to be somewhat en vogue again. Especially where the fresh enthusiasm of two young guys comes in: #PolaWalk is born.

“You and your iPhones …”, our guide Thomas mimics us in mock sniffiness, while offering us a playful wink. On this three-hour photo walking tour through Vienna, we cannot help but fall for his enthusiasm. He is right of course in reminding us of a funny fact: While we happily explore the polaroid camera technique, we continue to take digital photos of each other only to share them through Instagram, Facebook and more! The best of two worlds combined? Maybe. “In any case, it’s a hell lot of fun”, I squeal, delighted and impatient for my next polaroid to develop inside Thomas’ cool bag. What is it going to look like? I am so curious!

So sieht's aus: Erstinspektion und Bekanntmachen mit der überraschend leichten, und sehr einfach zu bedienenden Polaroid-Kamera.

As good as it gets: First time getting my hands on a true polaroid camera.


Thomas erklärt mir und meinem Freund Greg die richtige Handhabung der Polaroid-Kamera ...

Thomas explains how to work the camera …


... und verrät uns, dass wir gar eine Blende für besseres Fokussieren vor die Linse schieben können! Ein bisschen was lässt sich also doch "einstellen" bei den Großen!

… including an option to make adjustments for focusing! Primitive, of course, but still very cool.


Los geht's: Greg ist schon unterwegs und fotografiert erst mal eine Haustür ...

And off we go: My friend Greg is tempted by this creative door handle …


... während ich mich für das Motiv der Hausfassade am Spittelberg entscheide.

… while I opt for the colourful house facades of the Spittelberg city district.


Auch Selfies dürfen bei der kreativen Foto-Tour durch Wien nicht fehlen, hier beispielsweise im Schanigarten des Augarten Wien!

Selfies, too, are a must-do during our tour, like here at the “Schanigarten” open air restaurant at the Vienna Augarten park.


Auf dem Weg zum Karamelitermarkt Wiens erspähen wir zudem diese "Retro-Wand" mit alten Wiener Schriftzügen - "Rettet die Schriftbilder Wiens" ist kein Witz, sondern ein echter Verein!

Making our way to the Karameliter food market, we stop to commemorate a wall of “Old Public Signs of Vienna”, collected and displayed in a large vintage fashion expo on this house wall!


Altogether, our photo walk through the city centre of Vienna takes about three hours, with the option to shorten some ways by taking the underground. Truly worthwhile I must say – despite or because of the summer heat, offering great light conditions for shooting polaroids!


Thomas & Gilbert have truly made a name for themselves through #PolaWalk Vienna. For more than two years now, they have successfully followed their claim, “Create your own, unique photo souvenir of Vienna!”

At the #PolaWalk office, where our creative Vienna tour finally comes to an end, we are offered tea & coffee as well as short glimpse “behind the scenes”: What does a contemporary polaroid tour company look like? Where does all the inspiration come from? Thomas & Gilbert, both management graduates, have pooled both passion and profession to successfully run this startup company. Apart from the really cool polaroids, this is what I most love about the tour: The fresh enthusiasm shown by Thomas, some five years younger than myself, to engage in what we would consider vintage photography – with a 21st century twist.

Immer wieder verleiten uns die Street Art Graffiti-Motive Wiens, wie etwa hier am Wiener Donaukanal, zur Fotografie mit der Polaroid-Kamera.

Again and again, Vienna’s street art graffiti, as shown along the Danube canal, inspires us to stop and take pictures.


Wiener Würstchen gefällig? ;)

Fancy a typical sausage from Vienna? 😉


Die "Strandmeile" am Donaukanal ...

The “beach mile” by the Danube canal …


... bietet an heißen Sommertagen wie diesen zumindest etwas Abkühlung ...

… offers some refreshment on hot summer days …


... Greg ist mittlerweile zum Foto-Profi mit der Polaroid-Kamera mutiert, ganz selbstverständlich versteht er selbige zu bedienen!

… with Greg having turned into a real pro on his polaroid camera in no time!


Zurück im Office der beiden Jungs von #PolaWalk entdecken wir noch mehr Begeisterung vieler Wien-Besucher - via Polaroid ...

Back at the #PolaWalk office, we discover even more cool polaroid photography …


... und Thomas zeigt uns, wie er selbige Fotos noch rasch über den Computer bearbeitet ...

… watching Thomas use the computer for saving and printing our polaroids …


... fertig ist das Werk: All meine acht Polaroids im Entwicklungsstadium!

… while here they are, hot off the press and two of my images still developing!


Tausend Dank für die großartige, kreative Foto-Tour lieber Thomas !!

Thank you so much for this creative photography tour, dear Thomas !!


Disclaimer: We have been invited by #PolaWalk on this photo tour through Vienna. All opinions are my own.

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