#SchickHotels means exploring Vienna in style: Top comfort & culinary travel tips for you here.

Winter showers bring May flowers … or March flowers, as it is. Vienna’s Hotel Capricorno has really managed to blossom anew, following a complete overhaul all of its 42 rooms for the comfort of a modern, contemporary Vienna city hotel. And yet, it still manages to preserve the typical “charm” of the Viennese tradition: Large black & white photo canvases showing typical local architecture. A mighty staircase for a small sense of the former empire. Friendly smiles everywhere (the notion of the “grumpy Viennese” is definitely being defied here). “Those pictures of Vienna that you can see? I have taken all of them myself”, Peter Buocz of the Hotel Capricorno tells us with a modest smile; Peter who welcomes us as friends rather than as guests and who is already familiar to us for having “met” him on the YouTube video channel of the Hotel Capricorno …! That is just how it goes, in the blogging age.

Finding a good reason to celebrate, Peter has invited Christof Habres, author of the famous “Wiener Barbuch” in order to tell the real insider story of the local Viennese bar culture. Christof and Peter take me & my colleagues Janett (“Teilzeitreisender”), Eva (“WhereEVAimayroam”) & Samantha (“TheWanderingWanderluster”) under their wing, highlighting some of the best local bars in town and living rather than reading, what his new guide book is all about …!


Do make sure you get the new “Wiener Barbuch” (Vienna Bar Guide) – and leaf through it from the terrace at Schick Hotel Am Parkring. It likely offers you the best possible view over the inner city of Vienna.

Genussvolles Ankommen in den Schick Hotels Wien ...

Arriving to the Schick Hotels Vienna …


... bedeutet, eine Aussicht der Sonderklasse zu genießen - wie hier von der Dachterrasse des Schick Hotel Am Parkring.

… means enjoying the splendour of one of the “most liveable cities in the world” in style – like having this view from Schick Hotel Am Parkring.


Die Schmankerlreise beginnt schon hier, und zwar in Verbindung typisch spanischer Tapas mit österreichischen "Gabelbissen" ...

I really enjoy the fusion of Spanish & Austrian tapas cuisine at the hotel restaurant …


... und setzt sich in der lebhaften Barszene der Wiener Innenstadt fort ...

… as well as our night out hitting the local bar scene with an expert who has just published his first book about it …


... den passenden Guide dazu liefert das "Wiener Barbuch", geschrieben von Christof Habres!

… and here it is: Thank you so much for this excellent companion guide, dear Christof Habres!


... nach dessen Genuss es sich gut & wohlverdient in die schönen Zimmer des Hotel Capricorno fallen lässt!

After a night out, the comfort of the new rooms at Hotel Capricorno wraps us up, making us feel “new” again, too!


“Vienna upon second glance”. Not because our vision is still impaired from the previous bar night out … but because Vienna really has got a lot to offer upon first, second or even third glance!

Word from an “almost-local” like me! After all, my lovely home town Krems is only an hour’s drive away from Vienna. And yet, this guided tour “Vienna upon second glance” run by Katharina Trost, herself a charming and super knowledgeable, certified tour guide, did have me discover new things constantly. Windows For Peace? Sycamore trees that are being protected as cultural monuments? Statues in fountains that understandably caused outrage in times of the empress Maria Theresia – for their sexy allure .. ?

Well. They were definitely more reserved in those days. But going beyond what meets the eye, here in the centre of Vienna’s first district – a city centre essentially displaying the charm of a small countryside town! – many more details wait to be found. Which is why we have taken to the streets under the expert guidance of dear Kathi, whose vivid, historical storytelling accounts I have translated into an “InstaWalk” of modern times. Not sure what we mean by that? Then I encourage you to have a look at some of the most beautiful impressions during our tour “Vienna upon second glance“!

Lost geht's: Kathi macht müde Bargeister munter ...

Off we go: Kathi wakes us up to beautiful delights and stories hidden from view upon first glance …


... und erklärt die Wiener "Schanigarten-Kultur" für eröffnet!

… and takes us past some typical scenes of the local bars and restaurants!


Street Art Graffiti?!

Street Art Graffiti?!


Windows For Peace!

Windows For Peace!


Und diese wunderschöne "Dame": Im Schutz der Bäume inmitten von Wien, steht diese Platane unter echtem Denkmalschutz!

And this mighty tree here: The large, and very old sycamore tree is actually being protected – as well as the buildings surrounding it!


Die Blogger nehmen's locker ...

Bloggers in the “morning after” taking it easy … 😉


... wie auch die Einheimischen selbst ...

… much like the locals themselves, here at the “Kleines Café” Small Coffeeshop …


... und erfreuen sich an heiteren Details, wie dieser Mannes-Statue am Donnerer-Brunnen inmitten von Wien, Am Neumarkt im 1. Bezirk!

… taking delight in funny little details, such as the fountain statues here at the Donnerer fountain in Vienna’s first district!


Klosterneuburg Abbey easily comes to mind (and sight!) when visiting Vienna. An experience for all the senses – especially us travelling as the #winelover in town!

Yes, they did grow wine here for many centuries already. Last year too, I completely succumbed to the magic of the mighty monastery more than 900 years old, travelling as part of a “garden glory” trip to the abbeys and monastery parks of Lower Austria. The palace-like building structures should have become the former “El Escorial” of Austria, hinting at the many ties with the Spanish crown of the Habsburg nobility at the time. Delightful wines are being stored and produced in the mighty old cellars of the abbey, including a tour to introduce us to all its art & architecture history. Besides the pompous abbey church, it is the Sala Terrena at the very entrance itself that takes my breath away each time. “Thank God” there is a glass of wine to relax and unwind after it all, allowing you to take in the historical ambiance from an aromatic and delightful point of view.

Das Stift Klosterneuburg, nur eine knappe halbe Stunde Fahrt vom Zentrum Wiens entfernt ...

Klosterneuburg Abbey, only about half an hour’s drive from Vienna city centre …


... zählt zu den beliebtesten Ausflugszielen für Wien-Besucher wie uns.!

… counts among the top day excursion targets for visitors to the city of Vienna like us.!


Hier kosten wir uns durch verschiedene Stiftsweine ...

Happily tasting the rather large selection of home-grown wines …


... insbesondere der Grüne Veltliner hat es mir (wieder einmal!) angetan ...

… especially the well-known Grüner Veltliner grape variety …


... und ist das Ambiente dafür, nicht einfach prächtig?

… and isn’t it really, a palace rather than a monastery / abbey?


Zu guter Letzt verabschieden wir uns an der Stiftskirche Klosterneuburg: Was für ein gigantisches und vor allem farbenprächtiges Bauwerk!

Last but not least, take in the view (and the colours) of the mighty abbey church here … !


But the magic does not stop there. Now, it is our turn to taste what the Viennese cuisine really is all about – with a so-called “Alt-Wiener Schmankerl-Reise” at Schick Hotel Stefanie.

This view will simply leave you feel hungry. Tender veal goulash, slow-cooked and served with its more exotic sister dish, a Vegetarian-type spice goulash. “I take the goulash trio“, I beam at the waiter, happily handing her the menu and feeling my taste buds tingle with delight. At the Wiener Wirtschaft restaurant of the Schick Hotel Rainer (it seems there is a “Schick Hotel” for every preference around town here – rooms, view, food!), I share the following photo, causing #foodie uproar throughout Social Media – and promptly being shared by the hotel team itself.!

Afterwards, we are taken to a “foodie journey of a kind“, taking us to the fairy-tale land of the Viennese cuisine: Goulash & Salzstangerl. Beef broth with stripes of pancake (it’s called “Frittatensuppe”.). Tafelspitz beef with veggies and horseradish mixed with apple mousse (delightful ..!). Schnitzel with potato salad (a classic). Kaiserschmarren & Powidl for dessert (go pronounce!) … I might have eaten for two on this day. But who can resist such a feast? And after all … the Vienna bar tour certainly does something to burn off those extra calories walking, partying … right? 😉

Goulash Trio. Simply delightful, don't you think? Don't miss on your next visit to Vienna!

Goulash Trio. Simply delightful, don’t you think? Don’t miss on your next visit to Vienna!


Auf in das Schick Hotel Stefanie, eines der ältesten von ganz Wien und nur rund fünf Gehminuten vom Schick Hotel Capricorno am Schwedenplatz entfernt.

In the evening, we head over to Schick Hotel Stefanie, one of the oldest hotels in the whole of Vienna and only about five minutes’ walk from Schick Hotel Capricorno at the Schwedenplatz square.


Hier erwarten uns typische Wiener Köstlichkeiten ...

Typical Viennese cuisine starts with an appetiser like this …


... die, typisch Blogger, alle erst mal fotografiert werden müssen.!

… and ends … with us taking photographs of literally everything we eat …


... wir lachen, weil's einfach schön ist: Gemeinsam mit lieben Freundinnen & Bekannten einen wahrlich schmackhaften Abend verbringen: Herz, was willst Du mehr?

… delightful moments filled with amazing food only to be shared among wonderful friends and loved ones. What else could you possibly desire?


Vienna upon third glance maybe. As my very last travel tip for you here.!

Last but not least, I do encourage you to wander (and wonder). On this cool spring day, we left the Schick Hotels here in Vienna behind and simply took off exploring whatever tickled our fancy. Much like the wind blowing us around on this Sunday in March, leaving people hurrying towards Vienna’s famous coffee houses and us walking hand in hand, side by side. Past many little details that even I had not really become aware of before: It is only when you “slow travel in your own city” that you end up literally seeing new things! A larger-than-life, big pink rabbit in front of the Vienna State Opera. Huge buttons in a shop window, telling “Es Keat Oanfoch Viel Mehr Gschmust!” (“People should kiss a lot more!”). “Zwetschkenflecke” cakes at Café Sperl, one of Vienna’s oldest and most traditional coffee houses. “What is a Zwetschkenfleck?”, my German & Polish visitors ask.

You see. Some things are not even obvious to our German-speaking neighbours. The Viennese are different, to say the least – even or especially if you come from Austria yourself. A type of “Wiener Schmäh”, the subtle humour of the imperial capital city, that makes you laugh and smile on countless occasions. And leaves you with a desire to come back, time and time again.

Kein Schmäh (Scherz): Wiener Fiaker kleiden ihre Pferde mit rosa Ohrenhäubchen ein.

No “Schmäh”, but real humour of the Viennese people: The Fiaker horsemen do dress their horses in colourful, wind-protecting ear flaps.


Vor dem Naturhistorischen Museum Wien steht ein echter "Elli-Fant".!

In front of Vienna’s Natural History Museum, we find a true “Elli-phant”.!


Der Zwetschkenfleck (Pflaumenkuchen) im berühmten Café Sperl ist schneller weg, als dieses Foto braucht um online zu gehen ...

The “Zwetschkenfleck” plum cake at the famous and historic Café Sperl is gone faster than this photo needs to upload on Instagram …


... und unweit davon entdecke ich beim sonntäglichen Spaziergang über den Naschmarkt gar die eine oder andere neue Perspektive, wie hier bei den bunt bemalten Läden.

… and not far from here, I myself discover new sights and perspectives, such as these painted shop doors at the Vienna Naschmarkt market.





Wien, ich mag' Dich: Sonnengrüße zum Frühjahrsbeginn in der Donaumetropole!

Vienna, I like you: Sunny greetings from the spring in town!


Check out even more travel stories & tips about Vienna here.

Disclaimer: We have been invited by Schick Hotels Wien to go on a culinary-cultural journey of Vienna. All opinions are my own.

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