Sustainable Travel & Farm Holiday Accommodation in the Austrian Weinviertel district.

The Lower Austrian Weinviertel, a travel destination worth your while especially in the spring. I remember exploring the gently rolling hills & vineyards of this rather picturesque area north of Vienna about this time last year, when we “wined & dined” our way through the largest wine growing district of Austria (“nomen est omen”: 15.000 hectares are dedicated to planting Austria’s famous Grüner Veltliner grapes, among others).


Further north in the Weinviertel, things are slightly, beautifully, askew …

… and rightly so, making Herrnbaumgarten, an otherwise typical, tiny little wine growing village right by the border with the Czech Republic and Slovakia, stand out for its originality in design and promotion. Out here, a good hour’s drive from Vienna and a far cry from most of the official rules & regulations, things turn out to be different. Eggs are literally served “sunny side up”, bulbs of a kind are stored in a breakfast container, and many other local proverbs and references are taken all but too literally. This has turned the entire village into a musing conglomerate of local people and visitors alike, who care to make everyone laugh and at ease.

I wish I could stay longer in one of the Bohrn family’s so-called “Himmelbett lofts“, offering not only great value for money but also a warm welcome at any time around the family wine estate. Do ask for renting a local bike in order to explore the area, too!

Willkommen in Herrenbaumgarten, auf dem Hof der Familie Bohrn ...

Welcome at the private wine estate of the Bohrn family in Herrenbaumgarten: Aloisia here looks after me during my visit …


... einem typischen Landhaus, wie es für die Gemeinde im Nordosten Österreichs typisch ist ...

… while Gerhard loves to talk to me about the settlement history of this small, typical little wine growing community …


... die Gastgeber Aloisia und Gerhard Bohrn ...

… Aloisia and Gerhard Bohrn …


... haben wirklich sehr viel Liebe ...

… have carefully renovated their farm building into state-of-the-art accommodation units …


... Herzblut ...

… ensuring a warm welcome for everyone …


... und Details in die modern ausgestatteten Genießerzimmer gelegt.

… and making you want to extend your little holiday as soon as you arrive.


Schon "verrückt" : Der für die Region typische Grüner Veltliner schmeckt ausgezeichnet - und wird im "verruckten Dorf" Herrnbaumgarten in einem krummen Glas serviert.

Even the wine is served in a slightly, “askew” way, but tastes just as nice …


... vom "Spiegel-Ei" und vielen weiteren kuriosen wie amüsanten Alltags-Ausstellungen erzählt Euch übrigens auch mein Bericht über das Nonseum in Herrenbaumgarten!

… check out my visit at the local museum in Herrnbaumgarten, offering many more quirky little details such as this one!


Liebe Familie Bohrn, ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Kurzurlaub bei Euch !!

Thank you, dear Bohrn family. I do look forward to my next visit with you !!


Please refer here for even more travel pictures of my lovely exploration of the Weinviertel district:


Just recently, the wine farm holiday association in Austria has also launched a new Facebook page called “Urlaub am Winzerhof”, informing about their many offers for travellers. Stay tuned here: !


Disclaimer: I have been supported by the Austrian Farm Holiday Association of Lower Austria on this trip to Weinviertel. All opinions are my own.

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