… England. England?! What could possibly be so exciting about England as to “get away from it all”, the constant online travel life? And how much of a “digital detox” is possible in the world city of London, with free WiFi on the go in almost every place .. ?
Well. Here is what I think. You travel writers travel bloggers are only ever on holiday: Always some great photos on Facebook and amazing, awe-inspiring travel reports on your blogs and websites. I have heard these and other comments countless times over and it seems the cliché is actually true: Are we travel writers only ever on holiday?!
So, in order to find out, I went in search of answering this question during my real, personal summer holiday this year:
How do travel writers really like to spend a holiday?
Dear readers. Here is what I think. From a real, investigative point of view. 😉 Travelling in England. My experiences (oh, boy). How to “really” spend a holiday is detailed in the following TimeOut recipe for Travel Writers.
Take …
1. Time. And LOTS of it. An entire 10 days have passed since I published my last travel report about ‘Creative Kent!’, 72 hours of which I have actually spent offline. Admittedly, the temptation was too strong for me to stay offline for much longer. It takes time to build peace. And me three, four, even five days to really deconnect, away from the itchy feeling of constant news updating, leaving my smart phone apps be and focusing on real holiday photography, one that is for my very own pleasure! It does not have to go online immediately, either … so please, enjoy it now. With peace!
2. Friends. Family. Spending time with your loved one – probably the best TimeOut recipe ever. Of course, I cannot recommend to everyone to find themselves a sweetheart while travelling … 😉 but it does of course help the magic. Smart phone, messages … I shall reply next week. Oh I love this!

A romantic walk on the beach with friends & family works wonders … as seen in Christchurch, southern England.

Or simply choose to relax in the heart of London: “Beach atmosphere” at famous St. James’ Park near Buckingham Palace.

Very cool, too: We go on a guided bicycle tour through the heart of London and explore many hidden alleys and corners while enjoying fascinating storytelling by our knowledgeable guide Geoffrey.

Orley love … Sooo nice to see good old friends again and forget all about timing and work dates during a good girlie catchup.
3. A bit of patience, please. Especially with yourself. Laughing, after all, is the best medicine they say. And especially England offers the perfect stage for funny idiosyncrasies – little quirky details that go a long way making you laugh and offer many reasons to smile. About others and yourself, of course: (Don’t) We just love the British?!

“Mushy Peas” … oh come on. Squised and tasteless peas in a can ?! And you want us to think your cuisine style is actually on the way to getting better ?? Hehe …

“Another (British?) idiosyncrasy”: The “Loo of the Year” award in the city of Christchurch. I love this … and yes, toilets were clean out here!

At the London Horse Tunnel Market in the city’s district of Camden Town, horses jump off almost every wall near you … beware!
4. A shot of the extraordinary. Spiced up with lots of summer sun. And then … holiday pleasures start trickling in all by themselves. A stunning sunset atmosphere. Emotions of passers-by, captured in photographic snapshots. Watching people united in their happiness and love for each other. Exceptional street art graffiti, unearthed in London’s back streets. The sea in the south of England, its beautiful coastline – simply delightful. No WiFi needed. I carry my smart phone just for its camera & playlist. That is what a holiday should be. Also, and exactly, for travel writers 😉

Enjoying the beautiful evening skyline in the heart of London … “almost romantic” don’t you think? 😉

London treats you to a multicultural experience that has you see people from all walks of life & foreign countries, such as this sweet couple from India.

A panorama to relax: Enjoying the beautifully swept coastline near the city of Bournemouth in Southern England.
5. Last but not least: We cook up time, friends & peace spiced up with extraordinary travel details, et voilà – there goes one famous “TimeOut recipe for Travel Writers”. To really get “away from it all” (especially WiFi, hehe). Enjoy the famous mix, dear readers! Hope you, too, find peace and time to relax ……

Watching wild horses at the beach of Christchurch, Southern England, has its very own sense of magic.

Just how Londoners got through with having this somewhat French style looking rooster at the top of their famous Trafalgar Square I do not know to say … just another one of these happy British idiosyncrasies, I guess.

Of course, my “TimeOut recipe for Travel Writers” has to talk about FOOD: Beautiful world cuisine sampled in one of the world’s most abundant places for food from all over the world.

Finding fun in doing “the tourist things” … our London VIP pass allows us to hop on board of the River Thames cruises without any additional surcharges.

I have not become jealous of seeing all the “penguins” in suits emerging from their office towers for typical after work drinks … the travel writer lifestyle is much more for me 😀

An eye for detail in London’s Hyde Park: Where others just see annoying fat swans, I like romanticizing with this pretty view …