” … We don’t want to point at you for doing this or that. We’d much rather encourage you to become active yourselves for protecting the environment. And we do this through games”, our host Rene Föger tells us with a whimsical smile, the same as his son’s on the cover of the hotel’s annual magazine, the “STERN Magazin 2016”.
“I schaug auf Di. Du schaugsch auf mi.” Translated from Tyrolean, it simply reminds us of the necessity to look out for each other.
But behind this simple message to look after each other, the family hotel Stern has put a lot more effort. For many years, Rene Föger and his family and team have thought about how to better solve the current climate issues, without weighing down on their guests: “To tell them what to do simply does not make any sense. Those who come here want to relax, enjoy new experiences, spend time with their families and loved ones – not being told what to do.”
And this is how the climate check in as well as the simple climate game came into force. To propagate the core message of the hotel of respect and care for each other: During the game, you may rise to become a “STERN ambassador” for positive climate change and environmental protection. A clever move: You easily manage to score a few points in the game, with an appetite to succeed. Done your winter hike without any mechanical lifts or cars? More time to relax and enjoy the landscape. Remembered to fill up your water bottles provided by the hotel? Nice and practical. Preferred to eat local food in the range of menus offered? Always & always! 😀 Used the electric car, spared the TV or elevator, made something yourself (for instance bread, cake, soap or else) ?!?
What motivates children is just as captivating for adults. At the end, we become “STERN ambassadors” with a total score of 13 points!
And really enjoyed doing so. One part of our experience has also been to meet the good fairy of the house. Herbal fairy, actually. Her name is Elfi. Elfi loves to take her guests around, telling countless stories as a true Tyrolean local. About the birds and the trees, quite literally. How larch forest cultivation and small farming settlements have shaped the landscape up here on the Mieming plateau, some 30 minutes drive from Innsbruck.

… into how to continuously better themselves and their surroundings, as Rene Föger tells me & my fellow travel blogging friend Christina, of CitySeaCountry.com during dinner.

Having a larch or pine wood schnapps after your meal? Increase your score in the climate game: After all, it’s all about “enjoying local specialties”!

… and recharging your batteries, before taking on to go for a ride with the hotel’s electric car: If you didn’t bring your own, host Rene Föger likes to take you out for a ride with his!
We’re in for more “foodsome”, creative adventures: Young chef David takes us behind the scenes baking a traditional Tyrolean sweet strudel!
I don’t think I have to mention any more how much I love creative travel. Only the connection between food and creativity has the potential to be even better: If you get to eat your very own, hand-made souvenir, what could possibly be better? Take a look at this delicious, aromatic, warm strudel from Tyrol … mmmh … but don’t look hungry!

… and the good taste around the house: Eating a local meal (“Eardiges Menü”) in the evening again means more scores in the climate game!
Around Hotel Stern: Snow shoeing, tobogganing or off seeing Neuschwanstein Palace?
Not a bad idea during wintertime, let me tell you. The magic of winter renders its very own, special atmosphere to the famous palaces Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein – and takes away the masses of summer. We have spent half a day there, travelling from Mieming to Reutte and over into Bavaria to see the Bavarian Kings’ Palaces just beyond.

A glimpse of the world-famous Neuschwanstein Palace, as seen from its neighbouring palace Hohenschwangau in the front …

… as well as far over the surrounding landscape and Hohenschwangau palace are among my favorites of this visit.
Just a little later, the sun has come back out. Tobogganing times, then, followed by a hike with lanterns in the evening.
All these travel tips are offered right by the team at Hotel Stern, and we gladly take them up. “I’ll drive you up to the entry of the tobogganing slope, then all you have to do is walk up the mountain all the way to the Lehnberg hut.” Again, our host Rene Föger speaking, himself so seemingly calm and happy, despite looking after more than 100 guests at any given time. It is a special pleasure to meet him and his wife as well as their four-year-old son and young daughter around the house. Lovely family atmosphere!
What we take home, are beautiful memories. A real curiosity for what can be improved concerning environmental protection – taking only small steps and consciousness.
Like spending a night in a small hay barn as opposed to a hotel.
Honestly, I’m not joking. We even tried one during winter, but only for five minutes or so. To be found along the small adventure trail Larchsteig here in Obsteig – Unterstrass, all within sight of, and promoted by, the hotel Stern.
Again and again, I have to smile thinking back of the nice atmosphere around here. Or is it the magic of the region, up here at the Mieming plateau north of the Inn valley? Whatever the case – Hotel Stern offers a perfect place to ponder those heartwarming feelings.

Finally, it’s time for the Climate Check Out: Measuring our CO2 foot print, earning valuable points and recommendations for what to do and improve back home …
Check out my friend Christina’s version of the trip on her travel blog, CitySeaCountry.com and head over to my Flickr photo gallery for more:
Disclaimer: We have been invited by Hotel Stern on this trip to Tyrol. All opinions are my own.