Arrive. Relax. And nothing else. No phones, no messages, no … But wait a minute. A book, maybe? Reading about the different wellness treatments on offer? Planning when to go for which? And perhaps once more, checking Facebook or comments on the blog?
Well, well … It ain’t easy for us to relax being travel bloggers. Always thinking, always creating, always conjuring up the next story. What’s so special about this place? Where is that excellent photo spot? And who was it who said …
“Perfect! You are now signed up for our fascia therapy lesson.”
Fascia… what? But sure, yes, why not check them out and / or start a fascia therapy, too? Our hotel, Balance Resort Stegersbach has held several surprises for us, among them culinary and spa ones.
Basically, it all started with this idea. A wellness trip, now that would be nice again, especially during wintertime where everything around is just so nice and quiet. Add to that, a pretty area offering interesting and diverse possibilities for day trips?
This thought here in Austria must likely yield into a visit of Southern Burgenland / Eastern Styria, an area especially attractive for its abundance of small(est) local gourmet producers.
Starting with zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur, our very famous Austrian chocolate factory. Not long ago, too, my Austrian travel blogger friend Florian has joined their online & marketing team: One more reason for us to go and check out what’s new since our last visit there several years ago.

Don’t forget to choose your very own drinking chocolate mix, served on a small cable car circling the tasting room!

As a novelty this time, the zotter family has added a large animal farm, pet zoo and restaurant to its premises …

… next to a “cemetery of ideas”: Buried here are all the chocolate varieties that never made it or have been withdrawn from the market!
I really like zotter. Perhaps all the more because I actually do not really like chocolate. What I mean with this are the large, standard, and sometimes rather bland chocolate varieties thrown at us by the industry, all blending in the same tastes and forms. I often quote myself saying, “if having to choose between chocolate and olives, I’d rather take the olives”.! But if it’s zotter, it has to be chocolate: Soft, tender, full of flavour and aromas, mixed with exciting varieties (raspberry-lemon, rose-almond, Caipirinha or elderflower, to name but a few – 365 varieties of chocolate there are, one for each day in the year!).
A tastebud experience that is hardly being matched. Among those pairing the good taste of zotter is Balance Resort Stegersbach: Each day for instance, it celebrates the flavours of a five-course vegan menu!
“I really have to taste those avocado cabbage ravioli .. and this pumpkin-ginger-risotto tastes just delightful … a power fruit smoothie for dessert? Sure.” As one who loves to eat her way around the world, trying all kinds of flavours and ingredients, I do have to admit thinking: Isn’t vegan cuisine rather limiting and, ah, boring? Oh no, those among you who are more familiar with it may say. After all, vegan is the new vegetarian. And really worth a second look (or taste, in this case). Check this out.

Whatever your culinary preferences might be: Balance Resort Stegersbach is set to match your appetite for good food and even greater wines …
We’ll be back! And you, when are you going to be visiting Southern Burgenland?